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History (S.E.S.E.)

Junior Infants:

Senior Infants:

1st Class:

2nd Class:

Chapter 1: Aoife’s Story

A very nice Family Tree sheet you can print out and fill in: Web Link
Find out what your name means: Web Link

Chapter 2: Fionn and the Giant

Some information about Fionn and Fianna: Web Link
Another story about Fionn Mac Cumhail… Web Link
…and an exercise based on the above story: Web Link

Chapter 3: Happy Halloween

This is a very enjoyable site – you simply click on different windows in the Spooky Schoolhouse and it leads to all sorts of Halloween fun! Web Link
Complete this Halloween crossword: Web Link
This site has lots of Halloween activities to do: Web Link
Here’s a game for Halloween: Web Link

Chapter 4: School Long Ago

Video accounts of older people describing life in the 1950s: Web Link
A nice site made up of pupils’ interviews of their grandparents: Web Link

Chapter 5: The Chinese New Year

Plenty of Chinese New Year activities here: Web Link
All you ever need to know about pandas! Web Link

Chapter 6: Hans Christian Andersen

Try this Hans Christian Andersen quiz: Web Link
This link has all the fairy tales written by Hans Christian Andersen: Web Link

Chapter 7: Saint Patrick and the Piece of Gold

This Shamrock Jigsaw Puzzle is a bit of fun! Web Link
Lots of fun activities on this site to do with St Patrick’s Day: Web Link
A crossword all about St Patrick: Web Link

Chapter 8: The Children of Lir

Use the Children of Lir myth to learn process writing: Web Link
Short quiz on the Children of Lir: Web Link

Chapter 9: Gráinne Mhaol

An account of the pirate queen’s visit to Howth: Web Link

Chapter 10: The Hearth

Quiz about rural homes in Ireland 100 years ago: Web Link
Photos and short accounts of homes in the past: Web Link 

3rd Class:

Chapter 1: My Story

See if you can find your family’s coat of arms: Web Link
This site not only gives lots of tips on how to interview an older person but it also provides lots of examples of interviews done by children: Web Link
What was life like for your grandparents and great-grandparents? Web Link 1Web Link 2

Chapter 2: The Salmon of Knowledge

Read the story again… Web Link
Look at stones in Ireland that date back to the days of the Fianna: Web Link
Myths, legends and fables from around the world: Web Link
Look back at the Celts of Ancient Ireland: Web Link
More Celtic legends: Web Link

Chapter 3: Christopher Columbus – The Explorer

More info about Christopher Columbus and a quiz to test your knowledge: Web Link
Read about other great explorers: Web Link

Chapter 4: The Changing Story of Milk

This site is a bit ’cheesy‘! Web Link
There’s lots of information here about the history of farming: Web Link

Chapter 5: The Island of Saints and Scholars

Learn about Irish monasteries and saints: Web Link
Have a look at some old monasteries in Ireland… Web Link
…and art from the time of the monasteries: Web Link

Chapter 6: Santa Claus

This website is just for fun! Web Link

Chapter 7: Androcles and the Lion

Find out everything you need to know about the Colosseum: Web Link
Learn all about Roman games: Web Link
You wouldn’t want to be a Roman gladiator…read here to find out why: Web Link

Chapter 8: The Story of the Pyramids

This interactive video will tell you lots about the Ancient Egyptians and life on the Nile: Web Link
Explore the Tomb of Pernab: Web Link
A handy map of Ancient Egypt: Web Link
Get ’wrapped up‘ in this site about mummies! Web Link
Explore the chambers and passageways of the Great Pyramid: Web Link
Facts on King Tutankhamun: Web Link 1Web Link 2

Chapter 9: The Maoris

Test your knowledge of the Maoris: Web Link

Chapter 10: Helen of Troy

Lots of info on the following sites about Ancient Greece: Web Link 1Web Link
This site has lots of detail! Web Link
Hear songs based on the legend Helen of Troy: Web Link

Chapter 11: The Vikings in Ireland

Find out about the Vikings: Web Link
Have a look at these photos of what the Vikings would have looked like: Web Link

Chapter 12: Transport through the Ages

A timeline of the history of transportation (with some good project ideas): Web Link
A fun game on the history of transport! Web Link

Chapter 13: Irish Emigrant Ships

Find out more about the Famine and why so many people had to leave Ireland: Web Link
During the Famine, some Irish people emigrated to Argentina. Take a look here to see if anyone with your family name emigrated there: Web Link
Find out about the Dunbrody Famine Ship: Web Link
Read this report of a school trip to the Dunbrody Famine Ship: Web Link

Chapter 14: Tom Crean – Explorer of the Antarctic

Find out more about this great man: Web Link
Try this crossword based on Tom Crean: Web Link
Another explorer, Shackleton, ’endured‘ quite an expedition while attempting to cross the continent of Antarctic on foot: Web Link

Chapter 15: Life in Ireland during World War 2

Find out about ordinary British children during World War 2: Web Link
Act as an enemy spy in Scotland during World War 2 to find out what life was like during this time: Web Link
Find out what happened when the Germans dropped a bomb on the Irish town of Campile during World War 2: Web Link
True stories from Irish people who lived through the war… lots of reading! Web Link
Pictures showing the damage caused by the German bombing of the North Strand in Dublin: Web Link
Read the story of a neutral Irish ship, the Kerlogue, during World War 2: Web Link

4th Class:

Chapter 1: History of My Family

This is a brilliant site – put in your birth date and find out what happened on that date! Web Link
A very nice Family Tree template on this site: Web Link

Chapter 2: Clues From the Past I

Teacher Icon Image This site is all about Newgrange. The images are great but the text may be a bit difficult for this level. Web Link
There’s a great game on this site – you have to guess how old the house is by studying the objects within: Web Link

Chapter 3: Oisín in Tír na n-Óg

A quiz to test your knowledge of Fionn and his men: Web Link

Chapter 4: Changes All Around Us

Find out about life for children in Victorian Britain by exploring this interactive site: Web Link
A simple game involving the historical sequencing of food, clothing etc: Web Link

Chapter 5: Setanta

An animation of the story of Setanta: Web Link
Read about how Cúchulainn got his name: Web Link
This is a crossword based on Irish myths and legends… but be warned – it’s not just based on the story of Setanta: Web Link

Chapter 6: The Travels of Marco Polo

Quiz on Marco Polo: Web Link
This site gives a short account and map of Marco Polo’s travels: Web Link
A brief summary of the Marco Polo story. Click on the ‘Marco Polo and His Travels’ link on the right-hand side of the page to really find out more! Web Link

Chapter 7: Medieval Castles

This site allows us to explore and learn about King John’s Castle in Co. Limerick: Web Link
This site is all about Medieval castles (incorporates a good quiz): Web Link
Fun, interactive site about the Middle Ages: Web Link
On this site you will find essays written by children about all aspects of Medieval life: Web Link
Another site put together by children all about Medieval times: Web Link

Chapter 8: Life in Ireland since the 1950s

In this game, you have to drop all the items that could not belong in a 1950s living room into the time tunnel. It’s fun and informative! Web Link

Chapter 9: Hunting the Wren

Read about the custom of Hunting the Wren: Web Link
Read more about the Puck Fair held in Kerry every year: Web Link

Chapter 10: Clues from the Past II

Read about the Legend of the Tara Brooch: Web Link
Read more about St Patrick’s Bell shrine as well ancient Irish weaponry and ancient Irish relics: Web Link

Chapter 11: Hannibal crosses the Alps

Read about the Roman Empire: Web Link
Teacher Icon Image Comprehensive account of Hannibal’s wars with Rome: Web Link

Chapter 12: The Changes the Normans brought to Ireland

A crossword based on the Normans in Ireland: Web Link
This penalty shoot-out game about Normans in Ireland is great fun: Web Link
While this site is about the Norman invasion of England, it does cover plenty of aspects of Norman life: Web Link

Chapter 13: The Sioux People of North America

This interactive game is about Native/Plains Americans. It is called ‘Fling the Teacher’! Web Link
Test your knowledge of Native Americans in this short quiz: Web Link
Lots of excellent photos of Native Americans: Web Link

Chapter 14: Shops and Shopping

Photos from the Museum of Shops in Eastbourne – click on images to make them bigger: Web Link

Chapter 15: The Story of Nano Nagle

Teacher Icon Image A brief biography of Nano Nagle: Web Link
Pictures of Nano Nagle: Web Link

Chapter 16: The Olympic Games

This is a lovely site featuring inspirational stories from the Olympics: Web Link
Some information and photos about Olympia and the ancient games: Web Link
Everything you ever needed to know about every single Olympic Games – not for the faint-hearted! Web Link
An informative, well laid out site about the Ancient Olympics: Web Link

5th Class:

Chapter 1: King Midas

Find out about the real Ancient Greeks: Web Link 1Web Link 2Web Link 3
This site might be a bit hit and myth! Web Link

Chapter 2: Women Who Made a Difference – Part 1

The official Amelia Earhart website: Web Link
Read the stories of women astronauts/cosmonauts: Web Link
A timeline of pioneering women in space: Web Link
The story of Rosa Parks: Web Link
Find out about other important women in history: Web Link 1Web Link 2

Chapter 3: Pompeii

Discover the world of the Ancient Romans: Web Link
Have a look at this model of Ancient Rome: Web Link
Kit out a Roman gladiator for battle: Web Link
An eyewitness account of the destruction of Pompeii: Web Link
Now do a quiz to test your knowledge of this chapter: Web Link

Chapter 4: The Aztec People

Lots of information here about the Aztecs: Web Link 1Web Link 2
Learn about Hernán Cortés: Web Link
An Aztec story: Web Link

Chapter 5: The Renaissance

Find out all about the Renaissance here: Web Link
A whole gateway to lots of information about the Renaissance: Web Link 1Web Link 2
Find out more about Christopher Columbus: Web Link
See some of Michelangelo’s work: Web Link
Learn about Leonardo da Vinci… Web Link
…and see some of his work: Web Link
Some cool printing facts: Web Link
Biography of Galileo: Web Link

Chapter 6: The French Revolution

How it all began: Web Link
Play ‘Walk the Plank’ – a quiz based on the French Revolution: Web Link
Answer some questions on the French Revolution and you get to fling the teacher! Web Link
Read about storming the Bastille: Web Link

Chapter 7: Ireland in the Age of Revolutions

The website of the National 1798 Centre in Co. Wexford: Web Link
Read more about the 1798 Rebellion: Web Link
Read all about Wolfe Tone here: Web Link

Chapter 8: The Industrial Revolution

This site is all about the Industrial Revolution and the use of children as factory workers: Web Link
Play this game and become a cotton millionaire: Web Link
Learn about coalmining in Castlecomer, Co. Kilkenny: Web Link
Watch the following animations:
The first steam locomotive engine: Web Link
Blast furnaces: Web Link
The spinning mill: Web Link

Chapter 9: World War I

Explore the lives of people who lived during World War I: Web Link
Lots of links on this site – all about the First World War: Web Link
Play this game of Historical Duckshoot – all the questions are based on WWI: Web Link
Ireland and the ‘Great’ War: Web Link

Chapter 10: Life in the 1960s

A timeline of what happened in the 1960s: Web Link
Some information about Yuri Gagarin: Web Link
See some videos and audio about Apollo 11, the first manned mission to land on the moon: Web Link
Who were The Beatles? Web Link
Lots of information about the Berlin Wall: Web Link 1Web Link 2

Chapter 11: Northern Ireland

Fact Files of all political and paramilitary groups in Northern Ireland: Web Link
The death toll of those killed in the Troubles in Northern Ireland: Web Link
Teacher Icon Image Interviews with people who have experienced violence in Northern Ireland: Web Link

Chapter 12: Women Who Made a Difference – Part 2

Find out what’s going wrong in Burma (Myanmar): Web Link
A guide to women leaders around the world: Web Link
A short quiz for you to test your knowledge of important women in history: Web Link

Chapter 13: Nelson Mandela

Read this interview with the great man himself: Web Link
“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” See other Nelson Mandela quotes here: Web Link
Take a look at South Africa itself: Web Link

Chapter 14: History of Medicine

Complete this Doctor over Time activity (click on the text version): Web Link
A nice timeline showing how medicine has improved over time: Web Link
Read about some real people working in hospitals today: Web Link
Take a quick peek at a hospital: Web Link
A short quiz on Medicine Through the Ages: Web Link (& 6th also!!)

6th Class:

Chapter 1: The Celts

An excellent site all about Celts and their way of life, clothing, homes, food etc. Web Link
This site is full of games and information – all about the Celts: Web Link
A short quiz on the Celts: Web Link

Chapter 2: Feasts and Festivals

Find holidays in all different countries with this link: Web Link
Short quiz on feasts and festivals in Ireland: Web Link
Then try this crossword: Web Link
Find out how occasions were celebrated in the more recent past in Ireland – just click on the relevant link… ‘Weddings’, ‘Wakes’ or ‘Christmas’. Web Link
Find out about festivals from all around the world: Web Link

Chapter 3: Plantations and Settlements 1

You might find this map of Ireland from 1556 to1620 of some interest: Web Link
All about the Tower of London where the Earl of Desmond spent some time! Web Link

Chapter 4: The Aboriginal People

Teacher Icon Image Art lesson based on Aboriginal hand-print art: Web Link
Teacher Icon Image Another art lesson – how to make a didgeridoo: Web Link
Read this project about Aborigines: Web Link

Chapter 5: Plantations and Settlements 2

Lots of information about the Flight of the Earls here: Web Link

Chapter 6: The Liberator – Daniel O’Connell

Read this article on Daniel O’Connell – lots of detail here! Web Link
Quiz on Daniel O’Connell: Web Link
…and a crossword: Web Link

Chapter 7: The Great Famine

A very good site telling the story of a sister and brother and their experience of the Famine: Web Link
A nice interactive site about Irish Famine: Web Link

Chapter 8: The Gaelic Revival

A really clear timeline of the history of the GAA (click on each year to find out more): Web Link

Chapter 9: Marie Curie

Chapter 10: 1916 Easter Rising

A very good site – click on the photos for lots of information: Web Link
The text of the Proclamation of the Irish Republic and biographical details of all those who signed it: Web Link
Try this crossword based on the Easter Rising: Web Link

Ancient History

  • Ancient Egyptians – Uncover secrets about the pharaohs and the pyramids, history, government and daily life.
  • Ancient Greece – Discover your favorite myths and where theater first originated.
  • Stone Circle – Travel back in time – and create your own magical stone circle in Britain.
  • Seven Wonders of the World – Tour the Seven Wonders of the World with National Geographic.
  • The History of Numbers – Where did the world’s first numbering systems come from?
  • Ancient Egyptian Inventions – Ancient Egypt gave us eye makeup, paper, water clocks and other inventions.
  • Ancient Calendars and Clocks – Discover where and when the first calendars and clocks were made.
  • Explore Ancient World Cultures – India, Europe and find out why Ralph Waldo Emerson read ancient Indian texts.
  • The Culture of China – Uncover the secrets of ancient China, its emperors and empresses and the Forbidden City.
  • History of the Olympics – Discover the first athletic games in Ancient Greece at the first Olympics.
  • Tangrams – The Ancient Chinese developed a seven piece game called Tangrams – can you complete the puzzle?
  • The Near East – The birthplace of Western civilization began in the near East often referred to as the “Cradle of Civilization.”

American History

  • Man vs. Myth – What made Christopher Columbus famous throughout the world?
  • Talk Like a Pilgrim – Pilgrims talk differently than we do today – what did it sound like?
  • The Library of Congress – Jump back in time and read about America’s history with the Library of Congress, the biggest library in the United States
  • National History Museum – Fun facts for kids at the National History Museum in Washington, D.C.
  • Virtual Philadelphia Tour – Go on a virtual tour of Philadelphia’s most well-known historical sites with this classroom of some of Philadelphia’s most well-known historical sites.
  • Civil War Pictures – Visit the National Portrait gallery of some of the pictures from the Civil War.
  • Early American Centuries – Get up close to American documents and early American tools.
  • Inside the President’s House – Visit the White House and find out where the Presidents live.
  • Experience the Gold Rush – Experience the gold rush at the museum in Oakland, California.
  • Seward’s Folly – What was Seward’s folly and how much did it really cost?
  • The Oregon Trail – follow the tracks of the Oregon Trail west with the first emigrants. Discover how this expanded the borders of the United States.
  • Dr. Martin Luther King – played a monumental role in the Civil Rights movement – read some of his speeches here.

World History

  • Slave Stories – Follow the stories of four slaves taken from African by European traders in 1780.
  • The Titanic – The 100 year anniversary of the sailing of the Titanic is in 2012.
  • The Middle Ages – Explore life in the Middle Ages.
  • Into the Roman World – Making sense of life in Ancient Rome.
  • The Aztecs – The Aztec civilization was the first “Americans” conquered by Span.
  • Karanis Pottery – An ancient Roman Egyptian farming town is uncovered by University of Michigan archaeologists.
  • Journey with Cleopatra – and visit some of the ancient art of the world at the Chicago Museum of Art.
  • Ancient World of Mesopotamia – The land between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers.
  • Ancient Man – Read about an ancient prehistoric man found in Denmark.
  • Ancient Civilizations – Visit the British museum and discover ancient technology, buildings, cities, religions and more.
  • The Vikings – Voyage with the Vikings and this classroom from across the Atlantic.
  • Pueblo Indian History – Native Americans have been around since ancient times — find out how long.